We are rooted

We are rooted in the ancient and beautiful Way of Jesus

He grows our minds, hearts, hands, and spirits through regular faith practices and fresh opportunities in the city around us

By following him in all aspects of our lives, we hope to become more like Christ

God at Summer Camp

An 8-week blog from The Hub and your Trinity Digital Ministry team

Summer Camp is an incredible experience for millions of young people the world over. Right in our backyard our friends at The Hub support multiple United Church Summer Camps in Southern Ontario. This past summer we asked representatives from each of these camps to reflect on their experiences and how they saw God at work during their time at these Christian camps. Join us every week as we hear their stories beginning this September!

Upcoming events.


Blogs, Book Study Groups, and More

Partner Links

 Burning Bush Forest Church BURNING BUSH FOREST CHURCH - Home

SoulPlay SoulPlay | What is your soul saying? — soulplay.ca

Five Oaks Education and Retreat Centre Five Oaks | Education and Retreat Centre

United Church of Canada (UCC) Faith Formation Faith Formation | The United Church of Canada (united-church.ca)

Western Ontario Waterways ( UCC Region) Faith Formation - Western Ontario Waterways Regional Council (wowrcucc.ca)

