Fall 2023 Worship Services

From Trinity’s Worship and Music Team to all members and adherents of Trinity:

After the summer hiatus, we are back worshipping in person at ‘Trinity on Church’! Our fall worship schedule has been set and this is your invitation to join us each and every Sunday morning at 10 AM.

Once again, we are partnering with Southampton, Rockton, Sheffield and Lyndon United Churches to provide meaningful worship experiences for all - both on-line and in the pews. At Trinity, Steve Cowley, will continue to be our weekly worship leader and the choir will sing each Sunday, leading congregational hymns as well as offering an anthem of praise every other week. Services have been planned up until the end of December and will include Communion, with the elements served, on World Communion Sunday, October 1st and on Advent I, December 3rd.

As well, we are excited to notify you that there will be three Trinity – only, in-person services this fall:

  1. On October 22nd, Trinity will celebrate our 182nd year as a ‘People of God’, in Kitchener. This “Anniversary Service” will be led by our very own Dennis Watson when he looks back to explore our Methodist roots, as we move forward into the future. John Wesley may even make an appearance. And, it is expected that a Methodist Circuit Rider will be present to deliver the Message! A reception to celebrate this very special day will follow the service.

  2. A second Trinity-only service will be held on November 5th. This will be a choir- led service, on Remembrance Sunday - “A Service of Remembrance and Hope”. Through word and song, Trinity will remember our own ‘Fallen’, honour all who have served, and pray with fervent hope for a future of lasting peace for all. A reception, providing a time to chat and connect with friends, will also follow this service.

  3. Finally, the third special service which is being planned will be Lessons and Carols for Christmas: “Hark What a Sound!” This traditional choral service will be held on December 10th at 2 PM and led by Choral Conductor Hayden Kerry and Accompanist Jodie vander Heide. The choir is also looking forward to connecting with and inviting other United Church choristers and local community singers to join them in making music for the Advent/Christmas season. At the conclusion of this service, tea and Christmas cookies will be served as, together, we further celebrate the season.

A calendar with the dates of all fall worship services will soon be included in Trinity’s Friday EBlast and in Trinity News. While masking is not mandatory, if you are more comfortable wearing a mask, feel free to do so. Everyone is welcome to the chapel at “Trinity on Church’ this fall.

Let’s worship together!

With Blessings from, Trinity’s Worship and Music Team


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