Midweek Mindfulness ~ September 20th 2023

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
If you want a sister or brother to pray with you, click the bar below.
The accompanier will pray the whole prayer with you
You are invited to join in praying the purple italicized words with them

Today we meditate on Exodus 14:19-31, 15:1-13, and Psalm 20

The Red Sea

Now this I know:
The LORD gives victory to his anointed.
He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary
with the victorious power of his right hand.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.

The army of Israel stood ready
to desperately defend their people
from Pharaoh's horses and chariots,
backed against the chaotic sea.
But no sword was swung that night,
no arrows leapt through the sky.
On that day the LORD walked
before His people, fighting for them.
By His hand alone they found their deliverance.

I will sing to God, who has triumphed gloriously.
Horse and rider are thrown into the sea.
God is my strength, my song, my salvation.
This is my God, whom I will praise,
our parent's God, whom I will exalt.
God is a warrior: eternal is God's name.

We are God's people,
the sons and daughters
in whom He delights.
So let us trust in the strong Name
of our glorious Father,
our mighty defender,
the one who tames the chaos
and splits the waters.
Those who trust in their own strength will fail;
those who trust in their own wisdom are led astray.
But the one who trusts in the Name of the LORD
will never be put to shame.
Their hope is secure, their eyes are open.
They will see the deliverance of God.

Who is like you, O God, among the gods? Who is like you,
majestic in holiness, awesome in splendour,
wonderful in action?
With constant love you led the people you redeemed.
You guide them by your strength to your holy dwelling.
You bring them in and plant them
on the mountain of your inheritance,
the place you made your dwelling,
the sanctuary your hands have established.

Holy is the LORD


Fall 2023 Worship Services


Midweek Mindfulness ~ September 13th 2023