Midweek Mindfulness ~ Aug 16th 2023

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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Today we meditate on Matthew 14:22-33

A simple prayer for the trust to come

The waves slap against the boat,
fierce reminders of chaos all around
a small piece of floating safety.
The disciples strain at the oars,
pulling for a shore still so far off.
All night they fight
against a menacing lake,
until dawn breaks
and Jesus comes walking
out to them, Lord of Sea and Sky.

All Glory to the sculptor
of rivers and seas,
the spinner of clouds
and the king of waterfalls!
Your rains water the tilled field,
the lovely garden, and lonely hills
where the earth alone worships You.
Praise the Lord of winds
that rush and lift and caress!
Our lungs give you glory
with every breath we are given!
You paint the skies afresh
with the gift of each new morning!
Behold, the Lord of Sea and Sky,
who comes to us on the water!

How Your heart must have leapt
at Peter's surge of trust,
when for a brief moment he sees
a path to You across the waves,
and he goes for it!
We are scared to follow, Lord,
and yet we hear Your voice calling still.

Come! Come to me!
Risk it all! Though Death oppose you
and Chaos crowds in to threaten you,
the earth and all that is in it are mine.
I Am with you.
I will not let the waves bury you.
My hand is here to save you.
Come to me!




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