We strive to be responsive

Affordable Housing

We are all God’s children. We strive to be responsive to God’s call to share what we have, to help one another with kindness and love.

We are responding to the housing crisis around us that has left many unable to afford a home or the supports they require to live in community with others.

We are founding members of the Waterloo Region Alliance to End Homelessness. Learn more here.

Podcasts & Blog Posts

Our ongoing commitment

Our Ad Hoc Affordable Housing Committee helped focus our mission on supportive affordable housing initiatives.

During 2021 $200,000 was distributed among five local agencies to assist in their work in this area.


Region of Waterloo (ROW)

KWCF (Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation

  • Vital Signs® is a community-driven data program that is led nationally by Community Foundations of Canada, and locally by community foundations across Canada – including Kitchener Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF).

  • Housing Innovation Roundtable Report

Indwell Projects: St. Mark's & St. Peter's





Podcasts, Blogs, and Sermons