Visit to Food4Kids

On a chilly December morning, twelve energetic members of Trinity and Forest Hill met at Food4Kids to package food hampers. Over two hours, we packaged 250 hampers, out of a total of 750 that would be delivered right before Christmas.

Throughout the year, Food4Kids provides healthy food packages to children ages 1 - 14 from severe food insecure homes. Currently, 1300 children and youth in 100 Elementary schools receive a healthy food package each week. Find more information about the program at Trinity is developing a wonderful relationship with Food4Kids this year, due to our partnership with the Waterloo Region Community Foundation.

Special thanks to Marion Somers, Graham Brown, Janet MacFarlane, Cathy Baer, Barb and Fred Maughan, Glen and Lynda Weatherdon, Ken Usher, Janet Howitt, and Linda and Lindsay Bell.


Trinity’s Outreach Mission of Affordable/Supportive Housing grants an additional $100,000 in December 2024