Midweek Mindfulness ~ Second Week of Lent, 2023

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
If you want a sister or brother to pray with you, click the bar below.
The accompanier will pray the whole prayer with you
You are invited to join in praying the purple italicized words with them

Today we meditate on John 3:1-17 + Numbers 21:4-9

A simple prayer for the Wounded Healer

The voice quiets down
at the mention of Your Name,
but the questions and doubts
never seem fully gone.
This is not our first encounter
with the old foe, after all,
and the poison ever lingers
in our hearts,
slow-acting but long-lasting.

Be our physician, Jesus.
Heal me.

Jesus, we confess that our hearts
are never fully yours.
More often it feels like a battle
between what we know to be
true, right, or good versus what is
flattering, easy, or self-serving.
Everyday we need you
to draw the poison
and give us a fresh transfusion.

And yet, it is so hard to ask.
How can we come
looking for healing and life?
Is it never enough?
Will I not one day be whole?
I'm so tired of these well-worn ruts.
Will He not tire of me and my old story?
Surely I should know better by now.
I can't face Him again.
I slow to a stop along the path
and I lay my head down in the dust.

Silence is kept

I know how you feel, sister.
Your pain has been mine, brother.
I too have been broken
by the sorry state of my heart.
My loyalty was tested
and broke long ago.
My faith was proven too weak.
My strength failed.
My patience ran dry.
My hope crumbled.
My love wasn't enough.
I have let so many others down.
I have disappointed myself.
I have failed God.

What poor consolation
you have to offer.

Indeed, I have nothing to offer you.
I cannot give you life.
I am not the resurrection.
There is only One who can save.
Only One who can truly love you.

How predictable you are.
What a Christian thing to say.

Indeed, there is nothing new left to say.
Only the eternal Truth will do.
It is always, only, ever Him.

Call on His Name.
For the Son was not sent to condemn you,
to tally your sins in a divine ledger.
You have nothing left to fear in His eyes,
for it is finished.
He was sent to save you from this poison.
Not all at once, but day by day;
though one day we will be truly healed of it.
Look up, child.
Look to His cross and live.


Midweek Mindfulness ~ Third Week of Lent, 2023


Good Friday Worship in Hamilton!