Good Friday Worship in Hamilton!

Fri April 7 - 7pm

St John U.C. Hamilton
195 East 38th Street

The Hub is heading back to the Hammer!

We're PUMPED to be getting together for worship, communion, food and community at our 2023 Hub Good Friday Service! We'll be returning to St John United Church in Hamilton for the first time since 2019, but all the great music, the teaching, the reflection and the food won't mean anyting with YOU there with us!

So come to worship, come to see old friends and meet new ones, and come to be reminded of the good news that because of Jesus it is a GOOD Friday!

This Good Friday we're also hoping to co-ordinate carpools from KW, Burlington, and Guelph so if you are someone who can provide a ride please reach out to us on this page or at and if you're someone looking for a ride let us know so we can help!


Come anytime after 6pm for pre-service hangouts and snacks

Service will start promptly at 7pm!


Midweek Mindfulness ~ Second Week of Lent, 2023


Midweek Mindfulness ~ First Week of Lent, 2023