Midweek Mindfulness ~ September 28th 2022
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer
A Song
A Prayer
Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence
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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
(tech difficulties prevented an accompaniment this week)
Today we meditate on Genesis 1:26-28
A simple prayer for the garden
What glorious purpose
shone in your eyes
as you threw our clay
on the wheel, fresh earth
raised up to brush heaven.
Praise the Holy One!
Maker of all that is!
Fresh from canvasses
of fur, feather, and fin,
all brought to life with a word,
now soaring the sky's vault,
tilling the earth by the trillions,
flashing in the sea foam,
or racing over grass and stone.
Fresh from such a wondrous
panoply of living splendour,
You turned your attention
to a new creation.
Next to these master works,
how could we compare?
What are people that you
should be mindful of us?
Yet you formed us on your wheel,
pouring yourself into the work.
Your very breath quickened
our lungs, our hearts, our minds.
You gave us your life,
and with it a mission:
to join your garden work,
learning the art of unending creation.
We were to inherit the green thumb
that would see all things good and growing.
By us, your good world
would see you more deeply.
But we know how that turned out.
We decided it would be better
to rule with blade and blood,
to stockpile and waste,
to carve our names into the sky,
and hammer out crowns of iron.
We beat our ploughshares into swords
and ruined your good garden.
Forgive us, Father.
Wash us of the world's wounds.
Break our barbed dominion!
Bury the bullets! Shatter the axes!
Purify all poisoned air!
Undo our plastic palaces!
Bankrupt the old lies
and lobbies that fan the flame
of our wretched kingdoms.
Breathe in us a new breath,
and teach us once more
how to garden.
In your mercy, Lord,
hear our prayer.