Midweek Mindfulness ~ May 4th 2022

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
If you want a sister or brother to pray with you, click the bar below.
The accompanier will pray the whole prayer with you
You are invited to join in praying the purple italicized words with them

Today we meditate on Acts 9:1-20 + John 21

A simple prayer for those who have betrayed God

Sometimes we think we have it all figured out,
don't we, Jesus.
We've got you all plotted out and memorized.
We know exactly how it all fits together.

But then something happens,
and we end up off balance and reeling.

Peter watches as his rabbi is arrested
before his very eyes,
the wine and promises
still fresh on his breath.
The ground moves under him
all too like the sea waves,
and fear comes rushing in.
Loyalty turns to self-preservation
and before he knows it
the words fall from his lips:
"I never knew him."
The way Jesus looked at him across the courtyard
must have pierced him like an arrow.

Keep us from betraying you, Jesus.
Grow sacrificial loyalty in us,
to bear your Name no matter the cost.
And when we fail to live up to this,
have mercy on us, Lord.

Saul wields passion for his God
like an executioner's axe,
too blinded by religious zeal
to see that it is God Himself
who is kneeling on the block.
The lights go out with a flash
as you confront him with the truth,
giving him new eyes to see
the blood on his hands.

If it is your will, God,
confront us with whatever truths
that we need to hear from you,
even if it upends everything
we think we know.

Two painful betrayals
leaving two broken men.
But you did not discard them.
You never discard us.
These men were your chosen instruments,
and you healed them
even after they betrayed you,
that they might heal others with you.

It is easy to point out their failures,
but when we turn our eyes inwards,
We find fickle hearts there too, Lord.
We too fall prey to fear as they did.
We too can hammer others with religion.
We too have breathed out threats and murder.
So have mercy on us too, Lord.
We need it.

(silence for contemplation)

Renew and restore us as you did them.
Let your gentle but unflinching voice
speak to the very heart of us,
removing the sting of death
from our own betrayals,
even if it hurts to draw the poison.

"Do you love me?"
Yes Lord, you know that I love you

"Do you love me?"
Yes Lord, you know that I love you

"Do you love me?"
Yes Lord, you know everything.
You know that I love you.

"Follow me"

Through your blood we are forgiven.
Help us to trust it.
By your life our hearts are renewed.
Help us to embrace it.
And by your Name we are made family
Help us to wear it well.

In your mercy, Lord,
hear our prayer.



Midweek Mindfulness ~ May 11th 2022


Midweek Mindfulness ~ April 27th 2022