Midweek Mindfulness ~ June 8th 2022

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
If you want a sister or brother to pray with you, click the bar below.
The accompanier will pray the whole prayer with you
You are invited to join in praying the purple italicized words with them

Today we meditate on Acts 2:1-21 + Psalm 104

A simple prayer for inviting the Spirit

We breath in
We breath out
In ...
Out ...

From moment to moment,
your Life sustains us, God.
Your very breath animates us.
In ... and out ...
While we sleep and when we rise,
when we notice you and when we don't,
Your gentle breath gives us life.

You are closer than any other, Spirit.
In lungs, veins, and heart,
in body, mind, and spirit.
You are with us and within us,
the very breath of God.

Breath reveals a beautiful constancy
to your character, Spirit.
But there is more too, isn't there.
You are dependable, trustworthy breath,
but also a Spirit of fire.
You arrived in the room unbidden,
riding unexpected winds
to give a gift that awed and amazed,
in tongues of wild flame.

You are spontaneous and free, Spirit.
You come and go as you please,
evading every box we prepare for you.
You are like an untamed lion,
an uncatchable wind,
an ever-moving river.

Help us to welcome your presence
whenever and however you share it.
Give us visions and dreams
to prophesy for your people.

Speak to each of us
in ways we can understand.
Give us mission and purpose,
the hopes and dreams of God
for this time and this town.

Burn away all our human ambitions,
our agendas and calculations.
Reveal your heart instead, Spirit.

Burn away whatever stands in the way,
whether fear, bitterness, or pragmatics.
Reveal your unfettered future.

Burn away the sin that entangles,
hinders, and divides us.
Reveal unity, community, and renewal.

Apart from you we can do nothing.
There will be no wind in the sails,
and no water in the soil.
Nothing worthwhile will move or grow
unless your Spirit is in it.
So we wait for you to arrive
as our Comforter and Counsellor,
but also our pillar of fire in the night,
telling us when to break camp
and follow you in a new direction.

Holy Spirit of God and Jesus,
kindle our passion to know you
our hearts to serve
our minds to imagine
our courage to follow

All you need to work is a willing heart.

Teach us the Way
Give us the Truth
Lead us into Life

Come, Holy Spirit, come



Midweek Mindfulness ~ June 15th 2022


Midweek Mindfulness ~ June 1st 2022