November 17, 2023

This Week: 

Sunday Worship:  We continue our in-person and online time with Rural Connect, led by Southampton United at 10am.

Board Meeting:  The Chair of the Board is inviting you to the regular November 20, 2023 Board meeting by Zoom at 6:30pm.

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Meeting of the congregation of Trinity United Church, Kitchener. To be held Sunday November 26 at 11:15AM. In person at Trinity on Church, chapel of SMLC. ZOOM link will be provided.
AGENDA -   Report on the findings and recommendations of the Nesting    Sub-Committee of the Board.  
 NOTE: As this Notice of Meeting does not meet the Manual requirement of 2 Sundays prior, the congregation attending the meeting on the 26th will be asked to waive notice. 

Trinity News: The Advent/Christmas issue will be sent out in December.  Please send your stories, photos, poems, prayers, recipes, and articles to Keith at by December 8.

Mission and Service: NOVEMBER 19 - Kindergarten in a Refugee Camp - Living in a refugee camp means children may not learn crucial cognitive and social skills. In Lebanon, the Joint Christian Committee for Social Service provides a kindergarten program where children can engage in learning in a happy and secure place.

Church office:  Dorothy will be on medical leave beginning November 22 till the end of the year.  


November 10, 2023