November 10, 2023

This Week: 

Sunday Worship:  We continue our in-person and online time with Rural Connect, led by Southampton United at 10am.
The in-person Hub Youth service will be held in the chapel on Sunday, November 12th.  Gathering at 6:00pm.

Farewell to Steve Cowley:  Nov.12 is Steve's last Sunday leading us in worship.  We wish him well as he begins his two-year placement for minister in training at Listowel United Church. Consider attending in person this week so you may say goodbye to Steve.

Remembrance Day Service: For those of you unable to attend our Trinty in-person Remembrance Day service it is posted here for your convenience. Many, many thanks to Keith Summers for the most excellent editing work.  When watching, please go to the very end after the Postlude.  What a telling of the story!!

Trinity News: The Advent/Christmas issue will be sent out in December.  Please send your stories, photos, poems, prayers, recipes, and articles to Keith at by December 8.

First United Church - Waterloo:  Covenanting service with Rev. Hoeun Lee, Sunday, November 12, at 7:00pm.  Please join us.

Canadian Government Matching Donations:  As a member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, the United Church is participating in the Humanitarian Coalition appeal to provide tangible support to people in the Middle East. Gifts raised through the generosity of Canadians for the United Church appeal (opens in a new tab) between October 7 and November 12, 2023 can be doubled. 

Funds raised will help ACT Alliance, including Mission and Service partner the Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) deliver life-saving services to innocent civilians in Palestine including support for shelter, psychosocial support, food, medicines and other essential items. 

Double the impact of your gift—give today.

Mission and Service: NOVEMBER 12 - Compassion into Action - Acts of compassion, both big and small, give rise to peace. We can’t wave a magic wand and bring about world peace, but with every act of compassion we harness the power of love, the same love Jesus lived and died for and that he promised would move mountains.

Church office:  Please contact Dorothy by email or leave a message on the church phone. Office hours Tues., Wed., Thur. 8:30 - 1:30.


November 17, 2023


November 3, 2023