Midweek Mindfulness ~ January 11th, 2023

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
If you want a sister or brother to pray with you, click the bar below.
The accompanier will pray the whole prayer with you
You are invited to join in praying the purple italicized words with them

Today we meditate on Isaiah 60:1-6 and Matthew 2:1-12

A simple prayer for wisdom

From afar they saw your sign,
a bright new movement
of heaven's unending dance,
beckoning to their watchful hearts.
Come and see! I am doing a new thing.
. . . And they went!
Out of comfort and safety,
across the waste and wild.

Lord, we marvel at their trust,
their willingness to follow
wherever you might lead,
with only a spark of light
to guide the way.
What faith they had!

While the world looked on,
and Herod lay oblivious,
and Bethlehem slept,
these men followed
your quiet, steady leading.
They arrived with gifts and
a trust in an unfolding mystery
leading them night after night.
They did not find you in the palace,
where they expected.
Herod was caught unawares.
Yet the prophet's words
were proven true
as the star led them
out of Jerusalem
to lowly Bethlehem.
What strange puzzlement
must have sat on their brows
as they looked down on a sleepy town
for a secret king.

Lord, we see their perseverance
and we long for it.
They would not be turned away,
they would not give up
until they found you.
What devotion!

They must have knocked with hesitation
on the plain wood
of a plain house
on a plain street,
three strangers with joy on their faces.
The surprised family welcomes them in
and these men find their heart's desire,
asleep in Mary's arms.
Here at last
is the long-awaited King of the Jews:
promised in the garden,
foretold by the prophets,
assured to David
and the exiles.
He is here at last.

Lord, we see their humility,
kneeling before the babe,
rejoicing with the poor,
bringing gifts to honour
the greatest gift ever given.
What clear eyes they had,
to seek and find this,
the greatest of treasures,
this hidden glory!

Would you give us even a fraction
of their wisdom, Spirit?
To watch for your signs around us,
especially amid busy lives.
To come when called,
even far from home.
To not give up in the good way,
even through the wilderness.
To seek your lovely face,
even when you are not immediately found.
Such is the way of wisdom.
Let us walk in it together.



Midweek Mindfulness ~ January 18th, 2023


Midweek Mindfulness ~ January 4th, 2023