The Journey Continues

181 years and still evolving. 

From our beginnings on Frederick St to now we’ve come a long way together and transformed many times as the Spirit called us! In November 2018 we made the decision to transform once again to stay relevant and responsive to the city we come from. When our old building was constructed in 1906 the city was called Berlin and the downtown looked very different to say the least. Since then, our city has changed and not always for the better. There is a real crisis of housing that has been going on long before the COVID-19 pandemic. We left the building that housed countless beautiful memories and moments of experiencing God in order to create more space in our city for affordable housing. 100 years of incredible memories were a blessing but we know that as disciples we must not choose to stay comfortable but to choose step out in faith, and be good neighbours. Since then, we’ve re-committed our efforts to our city, to housing, and to the new generation with The Hub Community Network of youth and young adults. As of 2022 we occupy the chapel space with our friends at St. Matthew’s Lutheran church at 54 Benton St. We brought a few of our favourite things with us, the most important being our desire to be good and helpful neighbours in downtown Kitchener. 

Our past is our history and although God continually transforms us, we cherish and honour the people and moments that made us who we are today. If you’re a history nerd like many of us proudly are, check out some stories from our past! 


Midweek Mindfulness ~ April 6th 2022


Presence Project: Week 12