Midweek Mindfulness ~ August 3rd 2022

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Let us take a moment to sit and rest with Jesus, the spring of living water
We offer you a song and a simple prayer

A Song

A Prayer

Take a moment to sit with Jesus in silence

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When you're ready, let's pray the following prayer with Him
If you want a sister or brother to pray with you, click the bar below.
The accompanier will pray the whole prayer with you
You are invited to join in praying the purple italicized words with them

Today we meditate on Hosea 11:1-11

A simple prayer for freedom from idols

Who can fathom the heart of our God?

He shows the undeserving
patience, compassion, and love
beyond measure or merit.

Who has not heard his voice,
calling ever to us
in the stillness of the night,
in the pain of loss,
in the rush of joy.

His song is ever with us,
weaving bands of love,
cords of human kindness.
No longer slaves,
He wanted to draw us in
But we would not go to Him.

We think we are so different
from our forebearers;
that Israel made foolish choices
that would never snare us.
How wrong we are.

Like father, like son.
Like mother, like daughter.
We learned how to leave the path
in myriad, hereditary ways.
We pursued the empty golden lustre
of idols and their false promises.
We left Him at the altar
for images made by human hands.

How we have sacrificed
for Career or Power.
Offered oblations
to Money or Fame.
Laid ourselves bare
before Pleasure or Media.
How we have bowed and scrapped
to these our masters,
all to find some other path
to wholeness and love
which would assure us the throne.

Glutted with emptiness,
we call on God to wait our tables,
but He does not come when called.
Where is He?

If we will not embrace Him
when he breaks our chains
or heals our pain
or calls our name,
perhaps we will finally listen
when His roar shakes us,
when His roar breaks us,
when His roar remakes us,
and we come trembling
from the West.

Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.



Midweek Mindfulness ~ August 10th 2022


Midweek Mindfulness ~ July 27th 2022