September 29, 2023

This Week: 

Sunday Worship:  We continue our in-person and online time with Rural Connect, led by Southampton United at 10am. This is World Wide Communion Sunday.  If you are joining us from home please have your elements prepared in advance.

Newsletter content:  please have all submissions to Keith by end of day, Friday September 29th.

Fall 2023 Worship Services:  Join us for worship in the Chapel this fall.

St. Matthews Service:  October 1st at 1pm on the grass off Church Street..  Blessing of the Pets.  Bring your pets, in commemoration of St. Francis of Assisi, lover of animals.

News from St. Matthews:  The St. Matthews Centre is now up and running. Visit the website.

Message from the UCC Moderator:  Honour children who attended Residential Schools.  September 30 "Orange Shirt Day", National Truth and Reconciliation day.

Mission and Service: OCTOBER 1 - Education Beyond Classroom Walls - The Church of Christ in Congo provides children with the education and training they need to take charge of their own lives when they leave school. With a combination of traditional education and life skills, they provide each child with the skillset they need to thrive after graduation.

Church office: Please contact Dorothy by email or leave a message on the church phone. Office hours Tues., Wed., Thur. 8:30 - 1:30.


October 6, 2023


September 22, 2023