September 15, 2023
Sunday Worship: We continue our in-person and online time with Rural Connect, led by Southampton United at 10am. There are a number of 'Trinity Led' services being planned for the fall (October and November). More details to come in future weeks.
Board meeting: Members are invited to join in and attend the meeting on Monday, September 25, at 6:30 via Zoom.
St. Matthews: Trinity is invited to join St. Matthews during their fellowship time after worship this Sunday. This will take place on the grass strip on Church Street near our entrance. There will be food and a special guest musician playing some favourite tunes.
Fishbowl - Cross Generational Dsicussion: Taking place Tuesday September 26th 7 - 8pm via zoom.
Chancel Choir: Do you love to sing? Come try out the Chancel Choir! We rehearse Thursday evenings from 7 - 8:30 PM. We even offer a Zoom option if you are interested in singing along from home! Come try us out, and feel free to bring along a friend!
Trinity Newsletter: Keith will be planning our Fall newsletter in the next few weeks. If you have stories from the summer you wish to share or any other content, please have it to him by September 29th.
Mission and Service: SEPTEMBER 17 - Breaking Down Barriers to Education - Every child has the right to learn. But school fees, violence, child labour, and discrimination mean that in some parts of the world, too many children can’t go to school. Mission and Service partner Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children (KAACR) brings together child rights organizations to share information about child protection and safeguarding and helps to support children in schools.
Church office: Please contact Dorothy by email or leave a message on the church phone. Office hours Tues., Wed., Thur. 8:30 - 1:30.