July 14, 2023

Summer Worship:  There will be no in person or live streamed services from Trinity in July and August.  We have been invited to join the local Kitchener United Churches for worship this summer starting July 2nd - August 27th.  ALL services are at 10am. Find schedule here.

Summer closure:  The office will be closed for the month of August.  Dorothy will monitor emails.

Mission and Service: JULY 16 - A Declaration to Be Involved in Decision-Making - During the 2022 Zimbabwe Council of Churches General Assembly, youth asked to be included in decision-making. In response, the Assembly appointed youth members to its committees. Now, whatever decision is being made, the interests of youth are included. Your gifts to Mission and Service help youth around the world advocate to have their voices heard.

Church office:  Please contact Dorothy by email office@trinityunitedkw.ca or leave a message on the church phone. Office hours Tues., Wed., Thur. 8:30 - 1:30.


July 21, 2023


July 7, 2023