February 3, 2023
Please join us, for in person worship, each Sunday at 54 Benton. Our entrance is off of Church Street. You may also continue to join us online, at 10:00am, as we share worship services with Southampton and Rockton/Sheffield/Lyndon United Churches through UCC Connect-Southampton host: https://www.youtube.com/c/TrinityunitedkwCa
HOLD THE DATE: NOTICE of our Annual Congregational Meeting
The meeting will be held at 11:00AM Mar 26, 2023 following worship.
Notes from the Congregational Conversation Workshop. - If you were unable to attend, the in-person only workshop, held on Sunday January 15th after worship in the chapel, you can read the notes here.
Courageous Living is Possible Everyday: Lenten Book Study "Good Courage: Daily reflections on Hope" facilitated by Steve and Barbara. Sunday afternoons 1 - 2:30pm in the Trinity Chapel weekly from February 26 to April 2, 2023. Register and get a book ($13 if you are able) with Janet at faith@trinityunitedkw.ca. See here for more info.
Bible Study: Rev. Heather, from Southampton is leading a weekly Zoom Bible Study on Thursday mornings at 11am. If you are interested in participating please contact Kathleen , Office Administrator southuc@bmtx.com to be added to the mailing list.
Trinity Newsletter - Lent issue: We are looking for contributions for the upcoming newsletter. Please have stories, articles, photographs, poems, reflections etc.. to Keith media@trinityunitedkw.ca no later than Friday, February 17, at 1:00pm.
Week of Guided Prayer and Spiritual Exploration: will be held February 26th to March 4th this year. Our theme "Creating Space for Sacred Times and Places." Register by February 20, 2023. For more information follow this link.
2023 World Day of Prayer: Friday March 3, 2023. Program material this year has been prepared by the churches of Taiwan with the theme "I Have Heard About Your Faith". More information on times and locations click here.
Mission and Service: FEBRUARY 5 - Fighting Racism at Home and Abroad: Adele Halliday’s Work - When was the first time you became aware of discrimination or oppression? Adele Halliday, the United Church’s Anti-Racism Equity Lead, says that parts of her work focus on racial discrimination―and she encounters many people across the church who are surprised by the ongoing systematic racism in church and society.
Church office: Please contact Dorothy by email office@trinityunitedkw.ca or leave a message on the church phone. Office hours Tues., Wed., Thur. 8:30 - 1:30.