August 12, 2022

Sunday Services: join us in person in the chapel this summer or join us online at 10:00am We worship with Southampton and Rockton/Sheffield/Lyndon United Churches through UCC Connect-Southampton host.

On holidays/away: Rev. Heather (Southampton) will be on holidays for the summer. Rev. Gerry is filling in for her. Dorothy will be away during the month of August.

Mission and Service: AUGUST 14 - Podcast Invites Children to Engage Deep Spiritual Questions - “Narnia with kid actors and a soundtrack” is how The Scribbler’s Story Project - a series of podcasts supported through Mission & Service gifts - describes itself. With help of your generosity, new episodes are being released every Monday this summer, taking children on a uniquely fun adventure to engage with deep, spiritual questions.

Church office: Please contact Dorothy by email or leave a message on the church phone.


August 19, 2022


August 5, 2022