Trinity bans bottled water and single-use plastics

Trinity’s board passed two motions on Feb. 26 that help us become better stewards of the environment, better guardians of God’s creation. Both motions were submitted by Lori-Ann Livingston, social justice coordinator. Firstly:

MOTION: That wherever possible Trinity United Church Kitchener will not use single-use plastics such as but not limited to cups, cutlery, grocery bags.

Motion carried


MOTION: That Trinity United Church Kitchener implement a ban of bottled water at all meetings and gatherings, and actively discourages the use of bottled water with its partners sharing the Trinity premises;

Motion carried

The motions reflect a position that the wider community has already taken. Both the Region of Waterloo and the City of Kitchener restrict the sale of bottled water from municipal facilities, and they do not allow bottled water at any municipally led meetings, including council meetings. They promote tap water as a better alternative in terms of cost, quality, and environmental impact.

Ontario allows several bottled water companies, with Nestle being the largest, to take up to 7.6 million litres of groundwater per day on expired permits. Bottled water costs 3,000 times more than its tapped counterpart, and is taken from non-renewable groundwater sources. Most plastic bottles end up in the landfill.

A third motion on a boycott of Nestle products was deferred until the congregation could be consulted and a wider education effort could take place.


Trinity United Cancels Church Services


Letter: Our ministry goes on