Helping Our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters
We are all outraged and saddened by the invasion of Ukraine. Many of us are wondering what we can do. We reached out to St. Sophia's Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Waterloo to ask them how we can help.
The members of that church are collecting supplies and shipping them to relief organizations in western Ukraine.
This is what they need: new items only, please
Sleeping bags
Sleeping mats (Karrimats)
Hygiene products (women’s products, diapers, etc.)
Dry food (non-perishable food)
They accept, pack and send aid packages for Ukraine every day. Monday to Saturday 12-8 pm, and Sunday 12-2 pm.
For more details, please contact Father Myroslav at St. Sophia's: 226-606-7778 or by email
You can drop items off yourself at St. Sophia's (154 King Street North, Waterloo) or email Janet Howitt or Barb Hill to arrange a pick-up of your items for the people of Ukraine.
If you don't have "stuff" to donate, please consider:
donating to the Ukraine Humanitarian Crisis Appeal of the Canadian Red Cross.
donating to the Ukraine Emergency Fund of the UNHCR Canada.
donating to the Ukraine Emergency Response of the Mennonite Central Committee
Finally, if you can volunteer your time to help pack supplies at St. Sophia's, contact Father Myroslav: 226-606-7778 or by email
Slava Ukraini!