We are responsive

We are responsive to God’s call. We are responsive to the earth that we inhabit and the impact of our lives on it’s climate.

“The Earth is a sacred trust. We recognize God’s call…to draw on the Earth’s sustenance responsibly, and to care for it that all may benefit equitably now and in the future.” —from One Earth Community (1992)

Trinity action on Climate Change

Caring for God’s gift of Creation is a spiritual commitment.

We are aligned with the United Church of Canada on this global crisis


“That wherever possible Trinity United Church Kitchener will not use single-use plastics such as but not limited to cups, cutlery, grocery bags.”

— Motion passed at a Meeting of the Board held February 26, 2020

“That Trinity United Church Kitchener ban the use of bottled water at all meetings and gatherings, and actively discourages the use of bottled water with its partners sharing the Trinity premises.”

— Motion passed at a Meeting of the Board held February 26, 2020




Katharine Hayhoe: Saving US: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing

Jim Antal: Climate Church: Climate World – How people of faith must work for change


Podcasts, Blogs, and Sermons

