From the Summer at Silver Lake

This was the first year running a full summer of camp at Silver Lake since the pandemic, and my goodness is there so much to celebrate! Of course, it was a summer filled with meaningful connections where new friendships were made, self-confidence was built, and relationships with God were cultivated and deepened. It was especially wonderful getting to invest in the next generation of leaders through our Junior Leadership and Leadership Development Camp programs - we cannot wait to see where this cohort of leaders go in life!


Most simply though, it was a joy to finally be back on site with our camp community. Seeing the cabins filled with campers again; hearing the sounds of laughter, worship and play all across site; watching the campers return from their campouts under the stars; eating classic camp meals once more in the Dining Hall…the memories made this summer are endless. Most beautiful though is knowing that God’s love was in and through it all. 


As always, God was at work in so many ways this summer – those seen and unseen. What do these glimpses look like you ask? I’ll articulate/depict it with a story. This year we had one camper in particular who arrived resolutely not wanting to be there. They were closed off, with their walls up, their mind made up they would be met with hostility and unacceptance, and they were ready to reciprocate. However, through the gentleness, intentional care, and compassion that staff and fellow campers extended to them over the week, this camper slowly opened-up as they discovered/found a safe and welcoming community of friends where they could be their true self. By the end of the week, they were asking if they could return for the next week of camp.


That’s just one of the many stories of God at work this summer, but it captures the common theme that runs through them all: people finding a sense of true belonging, acceptance, joy, and freedom. Whether that be while throwing sponges during a game of Sponge Wars, getting messy during chocolate pudding eating competitions, or splashing into the water off the Diving Dock – countless campers, staff and volunteers alike encountered this at camp, perhaps unbeknownst to them that it was God.


It is hard to believe the summer came and went so quickly. For those who joined us for the first time this year - we are honoured to welcome you to the Silver Lake family, and for those who were returning to camp - it was awesome having you back! We hope you will continue to join us for summers to come. If you’re reading this, but are only hear of Silver Lake for the first time – I hope you will consider joining us in future summers! Stop by for a day, come for a week – if there’s one thing about Silver Lake, it’s that practically every door on site is a screen door, meaning they’re always open!


Warm regards,
Emily Cowley - SLC Director



From the Kitchen at Cave


From the Waters of Worship