From Knowing where you Needed to Be

Have you ever stepped into a place or traveled to a destination, and, upon arrival, realized you were exactly where you needed to be?

That's how Ryerson camp felt to me almost 20 years ago.

I had never even been to summer camp prior to a leadership development camp that I attended at the recommendation of a friend (and Ryerson staff member), but when I first showed up and walked over the hill and set eyes of centre field and took in the site, something just felt right.

The feelings of community, freedom of self-expression, support and guidance, and encouragement to grow were instant and the people I met were incredibly welcoming.

The relationships that I have built since being at Ryerson have turned into lifelong friendships that I would not trade for the world, and the people of Ryerson camp have become integral parts of my life and support structure.

I have had the pleasure of serving at Ryerson in many different capacities over the years, but the one thing that, to this day, still stands out to me are the amazing people that have had such a positive impact on my life, and truly made me into the person that I am now.

The trajectory of my life truly changed for the best because of my time at Ryerson and the relationships that I have developed while being there.”



From Leading at LID camp


From the Kitchen at Cave